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Celebrating the 1st year of ORIENTING
Last week, on October 28th, the first General Assembly of ORIENTING was celebrated, coinciding with the completion of the 1st year of the project. It was held online and chaired by Tecnalia, and its main objective was to discuss the progress of ORIENTING in its first year and receive technical input and feedback from the Project Officer and the Advisory Board, who were present at the meeting along all project partners.
We take this chance to officially introduce the members of the Advisory Board and the Project Officer:
- Ignacio Calleja – Senior Advisor Circular Economy and Recycling at EIT RawMaterials
- Hans Kroder – ISO TC 323 Circular Economy – Chairman (Convenor) Working Group 3 ‘Measuring Circularity’ & Learn2improve your planet (L2I)
- Amir Safaei – Manager, Climate Taxonomy – World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
- Serenella Sala – Deputy Head of Unit and Scientific Project Manager, Land Resources Unit, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC)
- Floriana La Marca – HaDEA – EU Project Officer
During the meeting, apart from presenting and discussing the overall progress of the project, which is advancing on time, there was an interesting discussion among partners and the advisory board.
The main conclusions and outcomes of the meeting were:
- The ORIENTING project is progressing on a good track in the development of an operational life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) methodology for products – thanks to the commitment of all involved people!
- LCSA must be broadly applicable, which requires SME-friendly solutions.
- Exploit synergies with other relevant initiatives addressing circular economy aspects at different systemic levels (e.g., Sustainable Product Initiative, ISO/TC 323).
- A Task Force (made of partners and AB members) will be created to discuss on these and other cross-cutting issues.
Overall, the general feedback and sensations of ORIENTING progress is positive by all partners involved, and we are looking forward to arrange a presential meeting soon to work hand in hand.