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New ORIENTING video for SMEs
ORIENTING wants to reach out different kind of targets interested in circular economy and life cycle based-assessment for sustainability. Among these targets there are companies (large and SMEs), public authorities, academia and consultants.
With this goal in mind, we are developing a toolbox for these target users and producing content for our social networks, workshops and international meetings. One of our latest materials is a new video in which our colleagues explain what ORIENTING is, showing what the project is working on, how our stakeholders can apply our methodology and which benefits can they achieve.
This video focuses on how Small and Medium Enterprises can benefit from the results of ORIENTING. By defining different levels of application, any kind of organisation, no matter the size, can approach Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment, learn about what matters from a sustainability perspective and apply the methodology, according to the different needs and goals.
If you want to watch the video, you can find it in our Youtube channel. In this channel you can watch too the animated video that we created at the beginning of the project.