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ORIENTING holds the first in-person General Assembly

Last November, the second General Assembly (GA) of ORIENTING took place, the first one in-person. For two days (23rd and 24th), the 17 project´s partners discussed the progress of ORIENTING and the work done during the second year. The Project Officer and the members of the Advisory Board also joined the event virtually.
The meeting was hosted by TECNALIA, ORIENTING´s project coordinator, in its headquarters in Bilbao. During the sessions it was highlighted that the ORIENTING project is at a crucial point in its execution with very relevant results obtained to date. Some of the key take-home messages in this regard included:
- The draft LCSA methodology has been tested in the 5 demonstration cases: Indoor paint product (and variants) (BASF, Germany); Concrete recycling service (LEIBLEIN, Germany); Preserved tomato products and packaging (SOLANA, Italy); 1 carton package for liquid food products (STORA ENSO, Finland); and an outdoor “Article” jacket (TERNUA, Spain).
- Preliminary results of the application of the methodology in the case studies were obtained during the end of 2022 and beginning of 2023.
- Time for the interpretation of the results of the case studies and testing of different integration approaches, is now required, and crucial.
- Focus is being placed on the uptake of the methodology by less experienced users, featuring a three-level application approach. The idea is therefore for a beginner, to be able to follow a “learning journey” from the less advanced levels to a full-fledged LCSA and better-informed decision making.
- Ensuring that ORIENTING´s products reach the identified market segments, including policy makers, is key in the remaining months of implementation.
Throughout this year, all the partners will work hard to meet the objectives of their tasks and finalise the LCSA methodology. This will come along together with a user-friendly and free of charge integration tool to visualize, communicate and help in the interpretation of the results that can be used by companies, governments, academia and other stakeholders.