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We are consolidating the collaboration with the EU-funded project OntoCommons (Standardising data documentation through ontologies – Grant agreement ID: 958371), in the interests of the European Commission.
OntoCommons lays the foundation for interoperable and standardised digital data documentation across all materials and manufacturing domains, thereby overcoming inter-operability bottlenecks & facilitating data sharing and valorisation.
OntoCommons will coordinate a wide range of EU stakeholders for the development of an Ontology Commons Eco-System (OCES) that comprises a set of ontologies and tools following specific standardisation rules. OCES provides a sustainable approach for harmonised data documentation through ontologies, making the data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable). This will bring out a truly Digital Single Market and new business models for European industry to meet the opportunities of digitalisation and sustainability challenges.
More specifically, the 3 main objectives of OntoCommons project (1. community development, 2. creation of an Ontology Commons Ecosystem (OCES), 3. demonstrators aimed to prove the effectiveness of OntoCommons) fit in the path that will be followed within ORIENTING. Moreover, ORIENTING will also be able to benefit from the OntoCommons tasks addressing semantic issues related to materials, criticality and circularity, standardized data documentation and OCES creation.
On 9 and 10 March 2021 we joined a two-day workshop organised by OntoCommons. The workshop aimed at presenting industrial cases adopting ontologies, and meeting with experts of the sector. Here you can see the original agenda of the workshops held.
Get to know more about OntoCommons in their website.