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Interpretation and integration in Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: methodological challenges and the way forward in ORIENTING

3rd May 2023, 15.45 – 17.45 CET
Participants to the SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting 2023 in Dublin, are invited to take part in the parallel event session by ORIENTING titled “Interpretation and integration in Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: methodological challenges and the way forward in ORIENTING” at The CCD- Liffey Meeting Room 1 (Level 1).
In this session ORIENTING´s project partners aim to:
- present the latest state of play of the project with emphasis on the integration and interpretation phases of the LCSA;
- share preliminary findings and challenges identified after the application of the methodology in the context of some of the project´s case studies;
- exchange with the participants on specific methodological aspects related to the choice of methods and weights when aggregating LCSA results.
For more information about this session and how to register, download the dissemination document.